High-speed chase in Idaho ends with arrest of two suspects on I84

A high-speed chase in southern Idaho on I84 ended with two suspects in jail. The female driver and a male passenger were taken into custody and taken to the Canyon County Jail.

The police chase began around 7:20 p.m. on Dec. 2 after an Idaho State Police trooper attempted to stop a vehicle for speeding. The vehicle was a 2011 Honda Pilot traveling west on Interstate 84 in Ada County, northeast of Boise.

Credit Canva/Idaho 511

Credit Canva/Idaho 511

High-Speed ​​Chase in Southern Idaho Ends in Arrests: The Full Story

Unable to stop, the driver reached speeds of approximately 115 miles per hour in an attempt to elude police and was driven recklessly by the driver, a 39-year-old woman from Salmon, ID. At a point near kilometer marker 26, the vehicle slowed down enough for the male passenger, a 37-year-old from Kuna, to get out uninjured. He turned himself in to police without incident.

The driver then sped away and continued west on I84. Middleton police used a “Stop Stick” device near Exit 25 to deflate the Honda’s tires. The attempt was successful and the driver was taken into custody shortly afterwards for fleeing a crime. She was also taken into custody without injury.

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After the incident, upon investigation, police officers discovered that both the man and woman were in possession of controlled substances. The female driver also had an active arrest warrant and the male passenger had marijuana on him.

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ISP reports that no civilians or officers were injured in the incident.

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Gallery Credit: Credit N8

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Photo credit: Chris Cardenas

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