Equifax’s data breach resolution email is legitimate

News 8 On Your Side answers questions about an email many viewers are receiving. The message informs you that you are entitled to an additional payment as a result of an Equifax data breach settlement. This payment will be made in the form of an electronic prepaid card during the week of December 9th. This email is legitimate. It is not a scam. You will be addressed by your first and last name. They will come from one of two possible addresses: [email protected]@equifaxbreachsetlement.comNews 8 reached out to the litigation administrators to find out how much money each person will receive. You haven’t responded yet.About the SettlementIf you receive this email, it means you have opted in to the class action lawsuit related to the Equifax data breach seven years ago.In September 2017, Equifax announced a data breach involving personal information Data was disclosed for 147 million people. The company agreed to a global settlement with the Federal Trade Commission, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and 50 U.S. states and territories. The settlement includes up to $425 million to help those affected by the breach. The deadline for making a claim has expired. Free Identity Theft Recovery Help Even if you haven’t filed a claim, you can get free identity theft recovery help. If you find that your personal information has been breached, you can receive free identity recovery services until January 2029. To receive this benefit, use this search tool to confirm that you have been affected. On the confirmation page you will find a phone number and a contact number for assistance.

News 8 On Your Side answers questions about an email many viewers are receiving.

The message informs you that you are entitled to an additional payment as a result of an Equifax data breach settlement.

This payment will be received the week of December 9th in the form of an electronic prepaid card.

This email is legitimate. It’s not a scam.

You will be addressed by your first and last name.

It comes from one of two possible addresses:

News 8 reached out to the trial administrators to find out how much money each person will receive. You haven’t responded yet.

About the settlement

If you receive this email, it means you have opted in to the class action lawsuit related to the Equifax data breach seven years ago.

In September 2017, Equifax announced a data breach that exposed the personal information of 147 million people.

The company agreed to a global settlement with the Federal Trade Commission, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and 50 U.S. states and territories.

The settlement provides up to $425 million to support those affected by the breach.

The deadline for filing a lawsuit has expired.

Free help with identity theft recovery

Even if you haven’t filed a claim, you can get free help recovering from identity theft.

If you find that your personal information has been misused, you can receive free identity recovery services until January 2029. To receive this benefit, use this search tool to confirm that you have been affected. On the confirmation page you will find a phone number and a contact number for assistance.

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